
Discovering and exploring data in Snowflake's new UI Snowsight

Discorvering & Exploring data in Snowsight The beta version of Snowsight is available as a preview app in Snowflake and is the successor to the…

article_header_image ontwikkeling met Talend

API Services – Development with Talend

In the previous article we discussed the general topics around APIs and their history. Now that you are up to speed with APIs, it is time to…


SAP Migration: A Reference Scenario – Introduction

An SAP migration can be successful if, and only if, the information around the scope, requirements, business rules, and transformation rules are…


Migration to SAP

SAP-migrationAn migration to SAP can be carried out for various reasons. For example, you want to migrate your data from another ERP package to SAP,…


Using Talend for Data Migration – Part 2

21One major complexity of data migration projects is the data quality and data consistence – especially if several legacy environments are involved.…

Talend Data Migration

Using Talend for Data Migration – Part 1

Talend Data Migration - Changing business needs and market demands make it imperative for enterprises to ensure sustainability by adopting to new…

test automation & robot framework

Safer to Production - Increase Productivity & Test Reliability

Safer to Production - Increase Productivity & Test Reliability - Imagine a new developer joining your project, having to do rework on a job…

CRM data deduplication machine learning Talend

CRM data cleansing and machine learning

Duplicate data in CRM systems can cause you to miss out on that promising lead. Or worse, can give you the impression that you obliged a deletion…

The power of sustainable collaboration

Power of sustainable collaboration – We help you get ahead – Our philosophy is based on long-term cooperation with our clients.…

cimt Talend MDM

Master Data Management, tips for a successful start

With the proliferation of data sources and growth in the amount of information within organizations, Master Data Management (MDM) is becoming…