The growth of semi-structured and unstructured data requires new approaches. Traditional Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence are no longer sufficient for more and more organizations. How can you respond to this? How do you integrate Big Data into an existing BI environment? You will hear more about it during our info session on November 24th!
Traditional BI and Big Data: similar, yet different
Data Warehousing and Big Data share some similarities, especially when comparing architecture schemes. Yet there are also some important differences. Traditional Data Warehousing and BI are ideally suited for processing structured data. Application is done in batches and is only suitable for a limited number of data sources.
Big data increasingly important
But in a world that consists of more and more semi-structured data (such as documents and log files) and where the amount of unstructured data is also constantly increasing, the importance of Big Data is growing by the day.
Faster and near-real-time
Semi-structured and unstructured data comes from many different sources and is hugely important for analytics and gaining other strategic business insights. Here, traditional data warehouses are no longer sufficiently flexible to handle this data. Moreover, in a Big Data environment, the data can be processed without prior business logic before extraction – and thus faster and even near-real-time.
A powerful couple
Fortunately, it is possible to turn Big Data and traditional BI into a powerful pair, while retaining the strengths from both disciplines. There are several options for transitioning from traditional data warehouses to a combination of Big Data and BI. Which alternative best suits your organization depends on a number of factors: strategic goals, budget, and available IT knowledge and capacity.
Want to know more? Visit our information session!
During our info session on Thursday afternoon, November 24, we will discuss this topic in more detail and take a closer look at how to integrate Big Data into an existing BI environment. Do you want to be assured of a place? Then register now for this informative meeting. We look forward to meeting you!