ieuwe ronde nieuwe kans - new round new opportunitiesen cimt Talend evenement informatiemiddag Amsterdam

New round & new opportunities - Save the (next) date!

New round and new opportunities. We look back with satisfaction on the Big Data Expo, which was held three weeks ago now. For us it were two…

cimt en Talend op de Big Data Expo in Utrecht

Maintain an overview of your Big Data

Next week, September 21 and 22, the Big Data Expo will take place. An excellent opportunity to enter into a personal conversation with the experts of…

Leer Talend beter kennen en ontmoet ons op de Big Data Expo

Get to know Talend better and meet us at the Big Data Expo!

Getting started with Talend Rested back from vacation and ready to get into full swing? Then now is the time for new plans! Plans that you make with…

cimt Talend Big Data Sandbox Digitale Transformatie & Data Strategie

From zero to Big Data

From zero to Big Data. Big Data is sometimes like a long journey to a distant destination. There is so much to discover along the way! If…

cimt Talend big data webinar

Learn the secrets to success for your Big Data projects!

Learn the secrets to success for your Big Data projects! – More and more companies are recognizing that Big Data can help them gain or maintain…

cimt Talend Big Data Hadoop

The Power of Big Data

The Power of Big Data – Build a Big Data architecture with Hadoop Virtually every business today has access to vast amounts of data. But how do…

Transitie naar Big Data-omgeving

Points to consider when transitioning to a Big Data environment

Transitioning to a Big Data environment Organizations are producing and storing more and more data for analysis now or at a later date. However,…