Data Governance & Control – Today, more than ever, business direction and decision-making are based on data. Responsible and careful management of data quality, accessibility and use are critical success factors for positioning an organization competitively in the future.
Data comes in all shapes and sizes and is distributed throughout the organization.
Many questions to answer! With appropriate methods and frameworks, cimt offers organizations tools to get in control. We approach Data Governance from the value it adds to the organization. With “just enough governance” we offer a pragmatic approach to organize Data Governance.
What is behind it? From an enterprise perspective, just-enough governance means defining processes and controls that are actually needed and tailored to your organization’s individual needs. Do you want to get in control? Contact us. We are happy to meet with organizations that want to move into the next phase.
Data Quality
Data is an integral part of business operations and processes. Increased integration means that data quality affects many aspects of business operations. In addition, data quality is also critical to the increasing sensitivity regarding privacy and compliance-related issues. As regulations regarding data continue to expand, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to manage their data properly. This is especially critical for financial data and sensitive personal data, but can also apply to other types of information.
Data Quality Quickscan
There is a growing understanding that data quality is not a technical issue at IT level but an issue that affects the entire organization. In order to realize structural improvements, insight must first be created into the current state of affairs. Based on this insight, the future organizational and technical transformation including ownership, roles and necessary technical support by applications can be defined. With our quick scan, a proven approach with matching tools, we quickly help you on your way to insight. You define the sources and together we analyze the data and come to an improvement proposal.